I find you very attractive!

One posting doesn’t amount to much in the big world of the blog. And I really thought that I was going to be able to write something during the day. I have to figure out how to email my blog, and I think that it will be much more effective. But will I get in trouble for doing it. I can never figure out what is permissible and what will get you busted.sWell, as you can see from my site, I bought a condo in Beautiful Cocoa Beach. I’m loving it, and actually would like to stay there, rather than rent it out. But what can you do. Maybe another time in the future.sI’m up for Chief in the Navy Reserves. Let’s hope that it happens this time around. I think that this will really be a big deal. I can only imagine how important this would be, and how great my retirement would be if that happened.sCha Ching!sOther than that things are lookin’ pretty good. I get to write manuals by day, and by night, I can start on my new projects. I need to get to write my new novel.