A Sunday Wrap Up

I heard on the John Waters on Bill Maher show say that the 700 Club is just rounded up from 666. Does Pat Robertson’s recent speeches cross the line of free speech? Check out http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20050826.html and decide for yourself.

Personally, I would call for the FCC to revoke the operating license of the 700 Club, or some action that would involve a multi-million dollar fine.

Well, on to other great stuff

I watched some of the Sunday morning Political shows with great interest. I thought that Mehlman seemed like an unpolished college debate team geek who was only able to repeat the same stale talking points that floated across his memory.

Yet Dean didn’t seems to hit any balls out of the park either. When pressed about a vision for the Democratic Party, he was quiet, and suggested that without any control, there could be no vision. It isn’t enough to have your opponents down in the polls, you have to provide a clear and alternate direction. Of course there is Harry Reid, and interesting Senator, with clearly nothing to lose and all to gain as minority LEADER.

McCain was also on the talkshows. I’m always impressed with McCain, because he seems the most in touch with America of the many politicians that are out there. While he totes the party line when considering intelligence and the war, he clearly is the real Majority leader of the entire Senate. I can’t think of one person who has the charisma to work towards passing so many bipartisan proposals. It is unfathomable that the President would VETO McCain’s anti-torture legislation.

Robert Scheer, a columnist for the LA Times was fired this week… it is rumored that he was too liberal for the new editor. Not to worry, you can read his column at The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-scheer/


Hey a woman tried to be the 4th suicide bomber in Jordan. What gives? Well, maybe they can get something out of her. Is the penalty for attempted suicide bombing… death? Unfortunately this Jordanian 9/11 won’t be a real wakeup call for the people in Jordan. As long as they blame and hate America, there will be a breeding ground for these terrorist types. I feared that the day would come when the women had as little regard for their life as they do for their Fathers and children.