Cindy Sheehan… She should stick to one message!

The controversial, lauded, and trashed Cindy Sheehan seems to be the hot press item these days since she’s decided to camp out at the President’s vacation spot in Crawford, TX.

I sympathize with her on the loss of her son in war. It is a tragedgy beyond tragedy for any parent to have to bury a child. At 18-ish years old, he had his whole life ahead of him. As a person who has been in harms way to support this nation, albeit, not with bullets flying across my head, but none the less in harms way, I can understand how HE must have felt. Military folk face the possibility of death every day, but they just don’t think about it. If they did, they would have a difficult time doing their job.

But I digress… My real distaste for Ms. Sheehan is her citing of her son dying for Israel. Her simplistic and erroneous view of history makes you question her ideology. Especially with friends like David Duke coming to her side/defense. If you want to be a peace activist, great. I think everyone would love their loved one’s to come home soon. We’d all love peace. Trust me, military people don’t live for the next good war. They hope that there will not be another war.

It’s just hard to read a message of peace with a message of hate! Cindy’s claim that America is fighting Israel’s war is insane. Blaming Israel for the violence because they occupy areas such as the West Bank are also crazy if you read and understood the history of why the region is in the situation that it is in. A quick recap. 6-day war, Yom Kippur War… Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt get their asses kicked and Israel occupies those sovereign nation’s land to protect it’s (Israel’s) borders. Those lands have become the Palestinian disputed lands.

The Israel’s have been marked by the Arab community for extinction from before the days of an Israeli State. Until the Palestinians recognize that killing civilians is a moral and ethical wronging, and the authorities change the mental attitudes about suicide bombings, these problems will continue. They won’t be happy until Israel is no more. Is that Sheehan’s desire?

Let’s face it, there are lots of dynamics that play here, weapons, water, strategic locations and religion. This is no bandaid fix like Sheehan would suggest.

So, like I say, Sheehan, leave Israel out of your message and stick to your no war message and be heard my others.