Eminate Domain and Bob Barr

The US Supreme Court proved that they are once again not too concerned with the Constitution of the US when it comes to property rights. As you may know, the Judicial body chose to allow local governments to take individual properties under the guise of eminate domain laws, and then sell that land/property for redevelopment to a realize a tax base gain.

In the US, for some reason, property rights are the last rights that we have. Government should not have the power to seize your property and give it to private industry. If they need to build a road or something that the govenment needs to do, then I can understand it. If it is to just change the neighborhood, then no way.

I think that here in Florida, if I can find people who would like to form a PAC we could at least get the signatures on the ballot, and stop people from losing their property because one or two guys on a city council want to seize your property.

Bob Barr

That former Congressman from GA, goes from Patriot Act supporter to Libertarian, recommending that powers be removed from the government when they expire is a breath of fresh air. You can find his editorial at huffingtonpost.com.