Kicked ass!!! #nikeplus
Author: sailorj
Alef Naught! What you should know about this crazy number. (Thanks again David)
The largest number on a license plate. thanks David.
Tasting the offerings #wine
I just unlocked the Top TV Moment #6: VMA: Miley Can’t Stop sticker on GetGlue
1498 others have also unlocked the Top TV Moment #6: VMA: Miley Can’t Stop sticker on
We’re celebrating the top 13 TV moments of 2013! Here’s #6: Miley Can’t Stop at the VMAs. Check in tomorrow to see our next top TV moment! Share this one proudly. It’s from our friends at GetGlue.
Brisket at my mom’s place! It’s the best!!!
This license plate is the #shit!
The Mountains that are taken for granted. Some people don’t get to see Mts.
On the way back in the Mojave Desert.