Author: sailorj

  • Uh Yeah….

    ailorJ’s Log Files
    Test Posting…. The real fun is yet to come!

  • Who am I attracted to? I knew that!

    You should be dating a Taurus.

  • Happy Birthday – 34th

    Here I ams34th Birthday… and what is it all about? I spent the day at some local themeparks, and eating at the HardRock Cafe for lunch. What a day. Did I mention that I did work for 3 hours. I had enough after just a bit, and my boss was nice enough to let me leave. sLive is so strange, I’ve been watching a lot of Pay TV lately, you know, like showtime, HBO, etc… there are some interesting shows on there. At least interesting to me. I found that this one show on Showtime really interests me; it’s called Dead like me. sSo what did I get for my birthday? Well, you’d think I was 15, but I got videogames for the PS2. I don’t feel bad, I mean what do you get someone who is pretty satisfied with the things in life that he has? My mom sent me some money, as well as my Aunt who sent a nice Card. My brother Bill also sent a card. He’s expecting twins this weekend. They spent a lot of time teasing me about the fact that the twins might have been born on my birthday. I told them I was selfish, and wasn’t going to share it with anyone. So it looks so far that I won’t be sharing. It’s not as if there are many people with my birthday, at least famous ones. I wonder what those Celebrities do on their birthday. I wonder if there really is any connection with people who are born on this day?sWho knows… here I am, and where am I?sI wonder what I am doing?sI wonder what I am going to accomplish?sI look out on the precipice to see what’s there…sIt’s half way over.sHow much time do we get?sThirty Four plus Thirty four?sSixty Eight and no time to rest…sI have a lifetime to work,sAnd no time to enjoy the rest of my life.sWhat am I doing?sThis I must fix. I see it clearly now.sThis is the end, and the beginning.s-SailorJ

  • War? What is it good for?

    Some people will say that there is no such thing as a good war. That’s an interesting thought, yet so flawed. I can’t say that I’m a big advocate of war, but there are necessary events that shape humanity that must happen, and war is one of them.sThe United States exists because of WAR! The revolutionary war, war with the Indians, and the bloodiest civil war that has ever happened amongst Americans.sWe continue down the rosy path of war with WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam and various other campaigns of the 20th Century.sNow in the 21st Century we chose to battle a tyrant. Sure, you can call this a war for oil, or you can say that this is the liberation of people. I would say that this is bigger than a quest for black gold.sWho would say that it is better for Saddam to stay in power than for America to take the actions that it is doing today? The Arab communities of the Middle East?sWe have an obligation to keep America safe from all enemies, foreign and domestic. This threat is bigger than Saddam; it spills over into the entire region. With his regime causing instability within the ranks of the Palestinians, he has incited the suicide-bombings with payoff of families that encourage their children to become terrorists. This is totally unacceptable, furthermore can bring the world to the edge of a bigger war if Israel is forced to battle the Arab world.sA safe world depends on America doing it’s part, and we are.sAsk yourself where we might be if there had never been a war in the last two hundred years. What would be here in America?s-J

  • Back again!

    I’m back again, and ready to go… Just sitting and working on my new machine. Got a new iMac and am really enjoying it. I’ve been away on vacation in California. My brother got married, and I was the best man. See the picture. Woo Woo! Me in a Tux. I don’t believe it either. What’s up with that? I think that I did ok. I did the Toast for his wedding. I told the story about Albert Einstein, and how he had the perfect marriage. It lasted for over 50 years, and very happily at that. Well, he was asked at his 50th wedding anniversary what was his secret to a happy marriage, and he said that he and his wife made a pact from the beginning. He would make the big decisions in the marriage, and she would make the little decisions. Well in 50 years, there have been no big decisions.sIt got a good chuckle, and I toasted the bride and groom, wishing them well. I would never have a big wedding in my life. NO WAY. I think it is smarter to take all that cash and put it down on a house or something else. If these people want you to have a big wedding so bad, let them pay for it. I think it is just foolish.sI guess that’s the Navy in me. and on that note. I just passed a big test recently. First time up, and I’m ready to go to the next level. I can’t wait to hear what people will say when they hear the news. Well, it’s about bed time here.sGotta run!sCiao!s-J

  • Thursday Night

    Okay, Here I am, and it’s 10pm. What the heck am I doing up at this hour any how? I figure that I just better get something down. What a night, filled with bitterness! Relationships are something that seem better when you can get away for awhile from them. Being on top of each other can be rediculous. Yet, maybe it’s just me.sWell, I have just a few things to do, then bed, so I’m outta here for now.s-J

  • Promisary Notes

    I will write a promisary note. Something that’s to me.sI will write of a dream that I have of the sea.sI will look to the west, as I get undress,sand ready to head to sleep.sThere are those who think I’m crazysAnd those who think I’m lazysYet I know the way, I’ll be happy today,sAs I ride on my horse, and steer the right coursesI’ll be free.