Author: sailorj

  • The Carpet

    Just a note:sI had some carpet installers over to fix the seams that were coming undone on my carpet. Well their tool broke and now it seems that they can’t complete their task. When will it get fixed is anyone’s guess.sWhat to do?

  • Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    I posted this to someone else’s Journal but thought it was something I’d like to see here in my own journal. This is my thoughts concerning this Pledge of Alligence thing. I can remember being in Kindergarten and leading the class in the Pledge. I was something I can only remember doing with pride. Learning the importance of patriotism is part of good citizenship. Without it we truely will have anarchy. But being a good Citizen and Patriot sometimes mean that we will defend and protect the rights of others, even if we don’t agree with it.sAmericans have been divided on many topics, Racial Integration, Alcohol Consumption, Women’s rights, Voting rights of 18 year olds, and many many more things. sI don’t see the Supreme Court Upholding this verdict, yet in someways I wonder why they wouldn’t. As you read below, think of yourself as the people who fled Europe to escape persecution.sHere’s some objective opinions on both sides of the issue. The people who came to this country some 350 years ago (James Town 1600’s) and then those colonists of the 1700’s were looking to escape religious persecution. They were the minority in a world that regarded themselves as being out of touch with the given truths. The irony is that we may be “Persecuting” Atheists for not believing in G-D. This should be abhorrent to anyone who can see the analogy. Yet, Our Declaration of Independence and other critical works of the founding fathers definately acknowledge a Creator/Supreme Being. Historical revisionism is not a correct was to solve this problem. The declaration of Independence states: “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” or something close to that. Removing G-D from our society does tear at the fabric that it is based on. While I don’t think that it was founded on any one specific religious ideology, see B. Franklin or T. Jefferson, I do think that there was still an air of spirituality that has been undeniable for the entire time that we have been a nation.s-SailorJ

  • And so goes another evening…

    And here goes nothing. That’s about the size of it anyways. Today we got some new leather lazyboy couches and I went to the dentist then worked out. ok Now that tedium is out of the way, what’s left?sThe adventures with the Navy situation continue to get more complex, and I’m not sure where to turn. But I will try to work on the first person who brought information to my attention, and that is DCC Lachausse. Seems that he knows more than he has been giving. We’ll see how it goes though.sI’m supposed to instruct some courses next month, but I don’t even know what the topics will be.sI’m also studying hard so I pass this silly exam that I am taking in August. I will surprise them when I blow it away.sWell, enough of that.sNow a Poem:sFears—— sby Judd sThe trembling in your bones is just fear.sIt is the fear of fear.sThe unknown beyond understandingsstands at the ready in your doorway.sI’m steady going forward,sYet I don’t think I should go.sI know that the answers are not so appearent,sBut the questions are blurred and undefined.sThere is travisty by letting these things go on.sFear is not mania, and I need to know that.sWe aren’t there yet. Just watch out of Fear.

  • Mornin’

    Well, I’m ready for another day of it at the ol’ rocket ranch. I am working on getting that Bachelor’s Degree. I figure another 10 pages ought to do it. I’m working on a paper in Advanced Public Speaking. It’s not going too bad, but I feel that I don’t have good established evidence. I may be wrong though, even though I have written a sizeable amount suggestions based on my own personal experiences.sUS FlagGo USA!

  • Navy Reserve Issues

    It seems that someone at the Navy Reserve Center in Orlando has it out for me. After working hard on trying to get back in, it seems that I am working an up hill battle just to complete my requirements to make my new rate of IT1(SS) permanent. The plot seems to have thickened since I now have found out that my prior command, Comsubgru Ten det 108 has produced at some point in time an evaluation of my performance, it is not the standard that I have performed at. I did not have a even have chance to protest.sI have some calls in to people to find out what is going on. I am working on getting my paperwork for my service record set up and correct. I should be able to take the exam in August if everything goes well.sWish me luck.s-SailorJ

  • First Post… and I’m awake and off to work

    Let’s see how this whole thing works