Monthly Archives: January 2018

What is Sexy?

OK Boys and Girls, let’s talk about something near and dear to everyone that we rarely have a conversation about, and that is what constitutes sexy.

I say this because in 2018 if you are a guy and you are sending out Dick Picts to the ladies, you are doing life wrong, because as they say, no one wants to see that.

And this is sort of the question right? What the fuck do men know? They know what sexy is about a woman. After all, men are visual creatures. They love curves, they love actually anything that reveals the female body.

One can follow a myriad of twitter accounts by women, and they post lots of “sexy” posts of other women and their romantic or sexual desires, hoping men will get a hint I suppose.

Let me give you a few examples of what I mean.

That is just a few posts of what I mean. Do women find these posts “sexy” or identify with them? Are they attracted to what they see? My guess is yes. Where as men to post photos of this nature with men as the subject would be offensive.

Double standard? Or is it that men don’t know what women find sexy?

I believe that men are generally repressed when it comes to their bodies. They make an effort to show it off, but only the hardest 6 pack abs are ever lauded as sexy and no one wants to see men naked in any other format. (I could be wrong)

But isn’t the irony the fact that people don’t want to be perceived by their bodies. We want to be perceived and sexualized by our brains, and attitudes, wit, and resourcefulness, and moral strength… I could go on.

But turgid penises seem to be something that many men believe women want to see. And maybe in a heterosexual normative way, it’s ok in the bedroom in real life, when it’s consensual and you’ve already created the elements of desire, but not until then. Boys, keep it in your pants.

But ladies, you have a responsibility as well, reaffirm and let men know what is sexy. If they know, they will work hard at responding.