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The Art of War!

The art of war, by Sun Tzu is a great work of strategy. I recently gave a speech on the topic for Toastmasters. Here is a run down of what I learned from his writings, and maybe it can help you too. Written 3-Sept-2002

War! What is it good for?!

Sun-Tzu said in Calculations – Warfare is the way of deception. Therefore if able, apear unable, if active, appear not active, if near, appear far…

In other words, don’t let your competition know what you will do.

Sun-Tzu said in Doing Battle – When doing battle, seek a quick victory. A protracted battle will blunt weapons and dampen ardor.

Set acheivable short term goals and use them to attain your long term goals.

Sun-Tzu said in Planning Attacks – in warfare, keeping a nation intact is best, destroying a nation second best…

In politics or relationships, it is better to win without destroying your opposition.

Sun-Tzu said in Formation – Those skilled in warfare make themsleves invincible and then wait for the enemy to become vulnerable.

Create a situation were you can protect yourself and be on the ready to attack when your opponet becomes open, like in Chess.

Sun-Tzu said in Force – Commanding many is like commanding a few… It is a matter of communications through flags and pennants.

Get the word out! and let everyone subordinate to you know that word so you can operate in a cohesive environment.

Sun-Tzu said in Weakness and strength – He who occupies the battlefield awaiting the enemy is at ease; the one who comes later and rushes into battle is fatigued.

Get ready to fight a war before your in a war

Sun-Tzu said in Armed Struggle – There is nothing more difficult than armed struggle.

This points right to a solid chain of command and breakdowns in communication. The real crux is, try to win without Armed Struggle, this is a last resort. Keep the hostle takeovers to a minimum.

Sun-Tzu said in Nine Changes – Do not depend on the ememy not coming, but depend on our readiness against him.

He really means, be ready for anything. That’s kind of like Murphy’s law.

Sun-Tzu said in Army Maneuvers – consolidate your strength, calculate the enemy and get support from your men.

United we stand, Divided we fall! Doesn’t that say it all?

Sun-Tzu said in Ground Formation – Know the enemy and yourself, then the victory is not at risk.

Know your battlefield! Knowledge is power.

Sun-Tzu said in Nine Grounds – If an enemy presents and opportunity, take advantage of it.

This goes right back to exploit your opponent’s weakness and keep at it.

Sun-Tzu said in Fire Attacks -If it is not advantageous, do not move.

But be led into traps, Be watchful.


Sun-Tzu said in Using Spies – Enlightend rulers and good generals who are able to obtain intelligent agents as spies are certain for great achievements. This is essential for warfare, and what the army depends on to move.

The best information is what helps to win the war, and many times without firing a single shot.

Check out! Sonshi.com The Art of War Website for a complete guide. quotes were taken from this website, and I editorialized the meaning. 🙂