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Sleepin’ to dream

Reposted from my old live journal – 30th-Jun-2002 09:12 pm

These arms are tired, and require rest,
This body is tired and requires rest.
Sleep is the fix for the pains of the day.
Sleep is the answer for total exhaustion.
Sleep is the refreshing solution,
It’s seven parts deep sleep, one part REM.
And when I pass into the realm of dreams,
Where I meet people that never were,
And see the things that never was,
I will know I have much more to reach for.

Even when you sleep with someone else,
You still are by yourself.
Your partner can’t travel with you down,
Where your deepest secrets lie.
The place where you are not in control,
The place where you know you’ve met the spirits,
And they communicate with you in metaphores.

And now it’s time to wake up.