One posting doesn’t amount to much in the big world of the blog. And I really thought that I was going to be able to write something during the day. I have to figure out how to email my blog, and I think that it will be much more effective. But will I get in trouble for doing it. I can never figure out what is permissible and what will get you busted.sWell, as you can see from my site, I bought a condo in Beautiful Cocoa Beach. I’m loving it, and actually would like to stay there, rather than rent it out. But what can you do. Maybe another time in the future.sI’m up for Chief in the Navy Reserves. Let’s hope that it happens this time around. I think that this will really be a big deal. I can only imagine how important this would be, and how great my retirement would be if that happened.sCha Ching!sOther than that things are lookin’ pretty good. I get to write manuals by day, and by night, I can start on my new projects. I need to get to write my new novel.
Category: LiveJournal
One more for ya!
You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your
wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame,
they burn with light and power and rebirth.
Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an
amazingly strong person. You survive, even
flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm
believer in the phrase, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill
you only makes you stronger,’ you rarely fear
failure. You know that any mistake you make
will teach you more about yourself and allow
you to ‘rise from the ashes’ as a still greater
being. Because of this, you rarely make the
ame mistake twice, and are not among the most
forgiving people. You’re extremely powerful and
wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion,
and anger. Perhaps you’re this way because you
were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or
maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality
and know that life is tough and the world is
cruel, and it takes strength and independence
to survive it. And independence is your
trongest point – you may care for others, and
even depend on them…but when it comes right
down to it, the only one you need is yourself.
Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on
a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your
wings to guide you.You are eternal and because
you have a strong sense of who and what you
are, no one can control your heart or mind, or
even really influence your thinking. A symbol
of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very
piritual person with a serious mind – never
acting immature and harboring a superior
disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity’s
tupidity and tendency to want others to solve
their problems for them frustrates you
endlessly. Though you can be stubborn,
outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.s*~*~*Claim Your Wings – Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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you are deeppink
Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can’t leave behind. You can influence others on days when you’re patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.Your saturation level is high – you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you – either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don’t have much patience for people without your initiative.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz -
After the goldrush…
Here we are… The day after Xmas, and I’m glad that it’s over. It’s cost more money than I ever thought I would spend. I’ve just had enough of it. I have decided to fix my truck. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what I’ll do. I have to drop the thing off at the shop and it’s a whole day of waiting. I guess I’ll sit home and either work on my story or playstation or something. Such a deal?! I’m still getting over this cold. But I feel alright for the most part, just a bit stuffy. I’m going out tonight to a Mystery Dinner show, and have to get ticket at the Navy Exchange. Plus I do have some returns to make. So it will be a day all and all.sI have lots and lots to do it seems. I want to rebuild my harddrive. and I noticed that at .mac, they pulled many of the “Free” software from the account, so if you have it, you should archive it, or it may not be there for you later. I think I have disk images that they provided to make it easy to reinstall that stuff.sI’m working on a story and found that the best piece of software to write with is MacJournal. I bet most people wouldn’t think of using something quite like this. But it lets you make separate entries, like chapters instead of daily entries. And I can have different journals with separate entries to keep track of the different characters. Then you can export the journal to XML or whatever you want. And I can collaborate by placing the journal on my .Mac account, so I think that this is going to work great.sWell, I’m going to get onward to my day. Lots of stores and things to do and see… s-SJ
It’s cold and I have to wear a jacket…s
This was a cool place during a trip I took to Alaska. But it is getting cold even in Florida. I’m going to have to find more time to write in my journal. But more importantly I need to find more time to write period! Of course I have a new job that entails a large amount of writing. But it isn’t very creative. I am looking to make some LJ friends. It can be tough if you’re not a regular contributor. I think that I will be able to find a bit more time now. Things are starting to settle down where I can get these thoughts down on. I’ll have to expand my interests section though. Feedback is a good thing.sIf you’re like me, you probably have been plagued by the cold. It is sucking, and I’m trying to use that Zyxcam (sp?) to knock it down just a bit, along with some vitamin C. we’ll see how it goes. sRight now I’m at the crossroads of a big decision. To buy a new truck or not. I have a 2001 Sport trac, and I’m thinkin of trading it in on a 2003. 5 more years of payments 😛 Blah! or spend $1000 to repair what I have. I’ll have to see what kind of deal I can get from the dealer. I have a feeling that fixing what I have is the best thing. Even though it kills me to sock that much cash into the darn thing, I know it probably is the best thing. Especially since I have the time off to do it as well. but what a way to spend my off time. I guess I just need to suck it up. But heck! That’s a new laptop or something else that would be cool…sOh well… What to do… anyone with advice?s
Well, this is interesting…
Alrighty… I’m not female, but the quiz was cool to take. Why do I post these things?s
You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.s“And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
he cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world.”Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).sThe Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
earth.sHer sign is the dawn sun.sAs a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people’s feelings and have tremendous empathy.
ometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they’re always willing to help.sWhich Mythological Form Are You?
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Bilbo is thought to be a bit odd by all of the other hobbits of the Shire. His best friends are Gandalf the Wizard and his young nephew Frodo. Bilbo is extremely kind and generous, but has a fatal attraction to the ring.s
Take the “Which Hobbit are you?” quiz created by Cora Black!
Guilty until screened Innocent
Traveling by air throughout the US has created a system of airport security that assumes the citizens of this nation are by their very nature, terrorists.sYou are a terrorist… until proven otherwise. This seems to be the view of the TSA or Transportation Security Agency. The citizen’s of the United States are standing idly by while our RIGHTS are being stripped without question, all in the name of Homeland Security. I can proudly say that I’m all for Homeland Security, but it’s time that the pendulum swung back towards the center. Today, I was at the airport in New Mexico, (a hot bed of terrorism, NOT!), and the TSA screeners made an old woman in a wheelchair in her 80’s get out of the wheel chair and forced her to walk without the aid of her cane through the metal detectors. While I feel much better about the baggage screening process, I do believe that common sense has been checked at the door, as we continue to harass the flying public because of the errors of September 11th. The only thing that this is perpetuating is big government, big budgets, and into deeper debt as a nation. For some reason, there are people today that are willing to sacrifice liberty for security. I submit what Benjamin Franklin, one of our founding fathers had to say on the subject, “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security” This is unfortunately what we have done.