It’s time to waken the voices in my head,sbring me back to the waters edge.sThere is only me, and I can be good.sDo you see the visitors that have come to me?sThey know I’ve been led astray,sBut they’ve come to put me back on track,sBack on the right track.sLike a man inspired I am ready to create,sInstilled with the breathe of those who’ve come before me,sEnabled to bring forward the secrets of long ago.sMy hands are theirs to guide on this journey,sMy voice is theirs to use to speak the words that have yet to be spoke.sMy heart is mine alone.sThey are here with me, looking over my shoulder,sGilguls and Golems, and spirits of every kind.sThey sit and wait for a word to be written,sIt is theirs to devour.sAll I can do is disperse these notes unto the wind,slike messages in bottles floating in the sea,sHoping that someday, someone will come and rescue me.s-J
Category: LiveJournal
An Article I wrote for the Mac Guild
Journal-ismsby Judd ©2002sIn case you haven’t got the memo, Journals are the hottest app to hit the desktop in well, a long time. So hot that Apple has chosen to recently feature MacJournal as an award winning piece of Journal software. sFirst let me start off by defining Journal. A journal is nothing more than a place to put your coherent and incoherent thoughts as they come to you through out your day. With all that being said, you may ask, how can anyone beat just using something simple like Microsoft Word for example. Well, that’s easy, most of the Journal programs are either Freeware or very inexpensive shareware. They make use of Mac OS X’s interfaces, such as built-in text editing, (quite similar to TextEdit), and give a good polished look. Yet at the same time gaining an audience that continues to help the evolution of updates along.sTypes of JournalssThere are two types of Journal programs: on-line and off-line. Online journals allow the user to post their journal to a website where it can be stored and other people can interact with it, leaving you messages about your postings.sThe offline journal is designed more for the individual who is keeping mental notes that he or she would like to keep private, and not open to the world.sBefore I get into the review of the software that I’ve used that is out there, you should be aware of the uses of this sort of software.sYou’ve heard right, journals aka diaries aren’t just for 13 year old girls to write about their latest crush. Journals as they are being referred to could also be Logs. The benefits to communities such as engineering and sciences are great. Additionally, this new communication tool fits somewhere between a newsgroup and email. You will also see with the online journal how apparent this benefit is.sOnline JournalssLet’s start with the Online Journal since it is the most comprehensive to understand.sTo begin our story we need to visit a site called here you will find the location for storing an online journal, and you can set up an account if someone sponsors you with a passcode or use paypal and purchase a passcode. The fee is nominal and basically pays for webspace and give the user access to a few more features.sThe website itself allows the user to customize the look and feel of their journal. You can add a thumbnail picture of yourself or whatever you like in a variety of formats as long as the image is constrained to 100×100 and is less then 40k. Within the website you can set up a profile that contains information about yourself, such as your interests. Another item in your profile are friends. Anyone that you chose to be a friend will be added to your list, and you can easily access all your friends current postings at one easy to read page generated just for you.sGreat you may think, I can create and customize some “cheesy” little website with some text on it. Heck, any geocities user has been able to do that, or you could even create a profile in Yahoo! or join a group there. This is where it gets different.sThe ClientssThat’s right, the most efficient way to update and maintain your journal is the use of a client. Just as you would use a client for email, journals work the same way. Currently there are a few different journal clients for the Mac, and in this article I will be review Mac OS X based Journals only, but Classic Apps work the same way.siJournalsThis Freeware App can be found at and elegant describe this program to a Tee. This program gives you the ability to post journal entries, with individual subject headings. You can place HTML code within the body of your message that will be read by a browser when viewed. You can insert hyperlinks and check your spelling as you type. You can also go to different webpages that you may frequently use, such as your friends pages and userinfo pages. Other features include, notification if a friend posts to their journal, and two very customizable fields, Music and Mood, but you could put anything in these fields. sOne other thing, you can choose to make your postings public or private, or only share them with a group of your friends. You can add any of your preloaded images to individual postings as well, and the benefit may just be to express your mood at the time you wrote in your journal. Finally you can post to a variety of journals, with just the drop of a pulldown menu. You must have an existing livejournal account to use this program.sPhoenixsThis Freeware App can be found at program offers much of the same features as iJournal, but also has built in HTML functions to allow you to easily create bold, underline, and italicized text as well as change the size. No font feature though.sYaxJournalsAnother fine Freeware App found at program is very similar to iJournal but this program will allow you to download your entire journal to your desktop, including the images. Very handy if you ever want to archive what you’ve written.sThese journal programs allow an individual to participate in communities while having their own personal space to be creative. While this won’t take the place of email or chat, it does allow people to continue to post information to the net without having to use a browser. Imagine that a number of people all over the country are working on a project, this would be the perfect way to share information in a realtime setting, such as monitoring an eclipse or meteor shower.sOfflinesMacJournalsEven more Freeware is an offline journal program that has much of the form and features that the Mail program has. Other handy features are those similar to TextEdit. This software allows users to create multiple journals and additionally encrypt the entries to keep them safe from prying eyes. Reviewing the journal is easy just by opening the entries drawer, but there are a plethora of features that makes this program even more powerful.s • Email your journals • Get Statistics on your journals • Delete, sort, print, and time stampsThis program has the Mac OS X look and feel down right, and is a pleasure to use.sSummarysJournal software is coming and you can now replace that clunky old notepad desk accessory with software that is designed to help you collect your thoughts. Whether you chose to belong to a community and share your journals with the world, or just store your recipes to create that great old american pie, this software will do it well. Above all, this software may just inspire you to write, and that in itself is a great exercise of the mind.
Am I serious?
There I was, like a good sailor, ready at the beckon call,sBut life doesn’t always play fair. This I know for sure. How often can one get beat in the head in order to realize what the path is? Is it the path of least resistance?sHow long do we have to be on a detour in life, just to realize that it is simply that… a detour? Hoping back on the important things can make life more meaningful… sI forgot the simple things, such as how much I have enjoyed writing. It got away from me… but It’s coming back! And much stronger now than before. There was a time when I would spend lots of time writing in my journals, underneath the sea. I wrote about my experiences with people, and the situations that revolved around me. There is nothing like looking back in time through your own writings. You get to whisper the thoughts of the past. Unlike any novel that you could possibly ever write, this one is real… This one is you.sI know how uplifting the experience can be when you are alone and given the time to write a few pages in your journal. Just you and your thoughts, creating memories that you can relive for a lifetime, but not just you, anyone you choose.s——————————————-sSo belly up to the bar with me, and enjoy this drink on the house. It’s a smooth one, that we’ll both enjoy. You too can sit at this counter and think about the days of future past. Write your dreams, write your inspirations, write your stories of the love lorn. Inside that cranium of your is more than you can ever know. Just like a good musician can make people sing, you can make people dream.sThere is only one way to do it, just keep writing! Keep dreaming!s——————————————–sAnd now A Thought! :)sPerceptionss———-sBy JuddsLook out on the sea during a night a dark as dark can be,sWhat do you see?sNot even the sea!sLook up in the sky on a dark desert night, with no haze in the sky,sWhat do you see?sStars shining on you and me.sWhat does it mean?sWhat does it mean?sYour perceptions of things are not always as the seem,sThe sky always has stars, even if you can’t see ’em.
Good Morning…
Well, I saw Men in Black II yesterday. It was ok, not the best movie, ie I don’t think it lived up to the hype, but I enjoyed it. I think that StarWars has been living up to the hype much better.sAnd it seems that we survived through a “post Sept 11th” 4th of July holiday with little more than a warning and a shooting in the LAX terminal at EL AL. An egyptian was shot dead ending the situation. 2 people died.sI will be walking down all the facilities today at ATLAS V – Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral AFS. I can’t wait to see this new rocket program.sI’ve decided to give the carpet folks a piece of my mind, since they screwed up the repair of my carpet. I think they need to replace it.sOh, I almost forgot, I have a job interview this wed… I might be a Systems Test Engineer, Assoc how about that!sWish me luck!s-J
Happy Birthday – America
Just a quick Happy Birthday America…sThe Day of Our Independence…sHope everyone gets to see fireworks.s-J
Quick and Dirty
Hmmm….sThe Cursor is gone… Imagine that!sThis is the morning of our discontent, and I am ready to meet the day, since Tomorrow will be the day of our Independence!sSo Today is Hotdog day at work, and we’re giving away 24 of ’em just because we can… and that is always a good thing.sStarbucks Brew this morning: House BlendsI’ll wait until I get to work and then I’ll eat my Thomas’ Waffles. Ha!sWell, I guess I’m alone in all this, at least at this point. Well, I better run… I’ll put something else online later.s-J
Should I create structure?
I’m thinkin’ about this journal, and I wonder if I should create some sort of templated structure to it. Maybe create some certain items that are always addressed. It would be with the thought that I could see a trend over time of different things. Like maybe I could write the Main Courses of the day, or number of cups of coffee I’ve drank. sWell, I definately need to get some sleep, I know it seems early, but I’ve been up way too late the last few nights and I have some catchin’ up to do. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day concerning the College Paper.sWe’ll see on that.sAnd now A PoemsThe powerful breathe of the dragonsGave Bilbo quite a scare,sThe adventures of life are all done on a dare.s Where does it begin?s And where does it end?sTravel through the mind and go to places that no one has been,sWarping all that is percieved to be right and true.s Park yourself in the recesses of your minds and find your heart.sThere is a journey, but we’re not alone.sOur friends are near when times are bad,s Thank you Ben! (Franklin)s-J
I gotta go to work… in an hour!
I can’t believe it’s time to go to work again. Yuck! I feel like I haven’t gotten any sleep… If you can believe that. Well, hopefully I will finish up the paper for the most part today. Editing the dang thing usually takes as long to write it. At least I have some time at work to mess with it.sBreakfast this morning will be Special K’s and Starbucks Coffee…sCatchya Later s-J
Don’t be Standing there…
Welcome to the evening posting…sWell, the Carpet fiasco seems to be complete at the moment. They came and finished what they had to do to reseam. I’m glad about that. But it looks like it is short, and as quick as they left, I think they knew it would be short and inadequate. I’m not sure what the next thing to do is. I really don’t want to pull all the clothes and everything out of all of the closets, but you gotta do what you gotta do.sI have one last section before the conclusion to do on my report, and it is impromptu speaking. I don’t think my paper is as good as I was hoping it would be. But I think it will be adequate for a C. And all I have to do is get a passing grade, and I will have my BS degree! Woo Woo!sI just need to get it done. I think that I will have enough evidence though paperwork and other things to provide I am well knowledgeable about Public Speaking.sI’ll catch you all on the flip side… and while I’m think about it, put in that Beatles CD and listen to the song that this journal is all about…
More and More Tests
I know we like ’em… so here they are! :)s-Js
take free enneagram testi am i am You? Evil? Half way there! You’re 50%, meaning you can’t always be trusted…well, half of the time! You’re the perfect balance between good and evil, but being that much evil isn’t always good…s
You are 50% evil! [?]And straight from the adoption agency:s
My Annoyance Level according to
Ha! how about thiss
Which era in time are you? This posting is for the girls who read this.. so you can find out what kinda princess you are :Ds
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?and finally s
I am strong. Almost invincibly so. To attack me physically is foolish. I am not however without my soft spots. I am quiet by nature, but am in command of great force. All I ask is a little peace, and a little solidarity. Deny me my space, and I just might get angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.