Spider-Man Body Paint
Juju Salimeni – Pintura Corporal Legendarios – 28/07/2013
Category: Uncategorized
There’s still so much for us to learn, and only through experience do we mature and realize what we tolerate or don’t. And also through that, come to better understand ourselves as individuals.
psychology2010 (via psychology2010) -
Interesting stats about body image. It’s kinda sad, imo, especially the “81% of 10 years old afraid of being fat”.
Okay, how did they get those stats? I don’t know. They’re probably too high. But even if it was 50%, even 40%, even 30%, isn’t it weird that kids are worried about being “fat”? Was does “fat” mean for them anyways? Obese? Taller? Average? Larger? Different?
Let’s give a moment to those mothers that can not have a child…
and to the husbands that stick by their wives regardless of wether they can have a child
This was the most realistic Disney movie ever.
Animated fishnbacon
Quick one before bed.