Category: Uncategorized
October Country: Just a friendly reminder that the author of Ender’s Game is an…
Just a friendly reminder that the author of Ender’s Game is an anti-gay bigot. While I realize it is the tenets of his faith that dictates this intolerance I cannot in good conscience do anything that could potentially put money in this man’s pockets. I have never bought any of his books and I…
October Country: Just a friendly reminder that the author of Ender’s Game is an…
DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?Coming to theaters and IMAX November 1st!
Scarlett Johansson photographed by Cliff Watts
“ Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor — 1930 " … 20 R-class submarines of US Navy Submarine Divisions 9 and 14 at Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 12 Dec 1930
Photographer: Tai Sing Loo
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