Category: Uncategorized
A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a deal that they will help make the other person the best version of themselves.
Unknown (via poisontome) -
ENFJ – It’s official.
Just took the test at another site and here is what I got, with a little more break down:
ENFJExtravert(67%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(38%) Judging(11%)- You have distinctive preference of Extraversion over Introversion (67%)
- You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
- You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
- You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)
i want to _____ you
reblog and see what your followers say, will be fun!
Yeah, send me a message… I’ll anon! 😀 **I’m in trouble now**
Know yourself.: ENFJ As Lovers
ENFJs make warm, committed lovers who are willing to go to great lengths for the sake of “The Relationship”. They’re totally dedicated to the relationship, and to their partner, and have a special skill for warmth and affirmation which brings out the best in their mates. They take their…
I agree with about 80% of this…
Know yourself.: ENFJ As Friends
ENFJs are warm, sociable people who are keenly in tune with other people’s feelings and perspectives. They enjoy supporting and bringing out the best in others. They are energetic and fun to be with. They seek authenticity in their close relationships, and are very sensitive to the needs of…