Category: Uncategorized

  • A Hard Talk


    It is June, 2020. The United States of America and the World are going through some fundamental core shake up moments.

    The Corona Virus or COVID-19, has been a world wide pandemic causing people to social distance, work from home if able, and millions have become unemployed as a result. This has led to diminished incomes, and increased poverty throughout the world.

    Many businesses won’t come back from this, while new opportunities will reveal themselves as we get moving into the next year.

    George Floyd

    In late May, a black man, George Floyd, was detained by police officers in Minneapolis, pushed to the ground, handcuffed and an officer placed his knee on his throat an kept it there for over 7 minutes while George pleaded for mercy and his life. All of this was photographed.

    The outrage has been felt like a shot heard round the world. People are protesting and marching in the name of George Floyd, but also the many other Black lives that have been killed in police custody. The Black Lives Moment is actively drawing attention to this in a way that sadly, Colin Kaepernick could not do.


    You can not hold up a bible and claim to be a good person. Love your neighbor as yourself is fundamental to scripture, even with all the horrible things that is written in that book. It takes more than standing in front of a church with a book in your hand to bring people together. After all, it is written, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The really story about that passage comes many verses before that, because Cain kills Abel due to his jealousy. This issue is about how we treat our fellow human beings. This issue is how Black people are treated in our society.


    I have heard it said, or seen it written, that no one gets to tell you how to protest. I agree with that sentiment, and I agree with it because unfortunately the biggest changes in this world have come from violence.

    Consider these Articles:

    Let’s face it. This country was founded on violence with a revolutionary war. Then we had a civil war. We fought in Wars around the world, in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East. Whether the violence is internal or external, it seems that violence is part of our history.

    In one of the articles above, they explain that while Martin Luther King used non-violent protests as a method of creating change, he did it in a way to provoke violence from his adversaries, to create sympathy for his movement.

    The Outliers

    If you saw any of these types of Memes on one of your chosen social media platforms, understand that this isn’t coming from the black lives matter groups. Trust me, there are a lot of people who are using this protesting time as an opportunity. There are rogue players out there that want to see us all at odds with each other.

    To think that Black American’s are not veteran’s, and equal members of our society is the problem. The meme above disgraces Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics, and all other ethnicities and creeds. But this meme was meant to divide us. Don’t be fooled.

    The Biggest Change will come in your Heart.

    There is a reality that many of us live in a semi segregated society. Sure we encounter people who look different than ourself on occasion. But how many of us have neighbors that are People of Color? What are your experiences with Black people, or if you are Black, of White people? People who live in more densely populated areas probably have more regular interactions with people of all ethnicities, and that is a good thing.

    We have to remember that people are individuals, Love each person for who they are. Get to know your neighbors. Get to understand that people have different life experiences that have brought them to this moment in time and you may very well be fortunate enough to make this friend.

    It’s not easy to change decades of prejudice and hate over night. But we can do it.

    BLM, Kaepernick and the Police

    Just in case you thought I missed it, let’s highlight one important thing. This issue is about institutionalize racism in police departments nation wide. This is the problem that the Black Lives Matter group is trying to solve. People are tired of police officers killing Black people. There simply is not video after video of other minorities that have been brutally mishandled by police officers in the way that Black people have in the US, nation wide. Kaepernick tried to highlight the problem protesting in the NFL, but audience which tends to be Conservative White men couldn’t hear the message, and just saw him spitting on their beloved flag, which of course he did NOT do at all.

    Was this the catalyst to bring the change in America that is needed? I hope this is it. I really hope we don’t need another Black person to die at the hands of police to fix the problem. Police should be there to uphold the law. They should protect and serve. We need police in our society, just as we need firemen, and all other public servants. But they work for us. When I was in the Navy, I remembered that it was an honor and a privilege to be a member of the Armed Forces.

    There needs to be a national code of conduct for police. Treating everyone fair and equally under the law. Should be part of it.

    This moment in time

    It’s hard in this moment in time. There are so many moving parts to the world happening. It is not just this one thing and sometimes it is just one thing. But the barrage of imagery showing violence can bring you down. The barrage of imagery of people losing their jobs, and masks and isolation can bring you down. We are more divided than ever.

    In this moment in time, say no more.

    In this moment in time, say I will not let hate divide me. In this moment in time be the best human being you can be, and bring about the positive change in the world that helps the betterment of all humankind.

  • It’s Taco Tuesday

    So it’s Taco Tuesday. I had tacos for lunch, then couldn’t think what I wanted for dinner, so I had tacos again. I made them at home, so it wasn’t like I went out to eat. The truth is I’m not eating out all that much. I have leftovers for tomorrow as well. I could make Mexican, but I have baked pasta that I will be making. I also picked up a few things over at the store today and so I’ll have good things to make at home.

    Some things I’ve seen on “the twitter…”

    I really loved reading this blog post today. Is someone from your Soul Tribe?

    I’m getting my runs happening and trying to get outside as much as possible. Even a few minutes at the beach is worth it. Tomorrow its another great beach day I’m sure, and hoping to get more sun. Staying active is what it’s all about.

  • Your Memes and thoughts for Monday

    Well hello Monday. Here is the Rabbit hole of things happening right now.

    • The Corona Virus aka COVID-19 Shitshow continues.
    • The market ironically is doing better now, even though America hasn’t reopened.
    • 14+% Unemployment in America
    • Jerry Stiller, Father of Ben Stiller passed away, he was 92.
    • The weather in central Florida is partly cloudy and 74°F.

    If you haven’t gone out today. Get out of your place and walk around. The air is not toxic. The world is still a great place. We can do all the right things and still not live in fear. Some times doing the right thing is about helping others so they don’t get sick.

    OK, I promised Memes and things. So here we go.

    And here are some inspirational thoughts and thoughts about relationships and love.

    It’s Monday… Let’s make it a good one! ?. I’ll get this blog figured out with consistency soon enight.

  • The Art of War!

    The art of war, by Sun Tzu is a great work of strategy. I recently gave a speech on the topic for Toastmasters. Here is a run down of what I learned from his writings, and maybe it can help you too. Written 3-Sept-2002

    War! What is it good for?!

    Sun-Tzu said in Calculations – Warfare is the way of deception. Therefore if able, apear unable, if active, appear not active, if near, appear far…

    In other words, don’t let your competition know what you will do.

    Sun-Tzu said in Doing Battle – When doing battle, seek a quick victory. A protracted battle will blunt weapons and dampen ardor.

    Set acheivable short term goals and use them to attain your long term goals.

    Sun-Tzu said in Planning Attacks – in warfare, keeping a nation intact is best, destroying a nation second best…

    In politics or relationships, it is better to win without destroying your opposition.

    Sun-Tzu said in Formation – Those skilled in warfare make themsleves invincible and then wait for the enemy to become vulnerable.

    Create a situation were you can protect yourself and be on the ready to attack when your opponet becomes open, like in Chess.

    Sun-Tzu said in Force – Commanding many is like commanding a few… It is a matter of communications through flags and pennants.

    Get the word out! and let everyone subordinate to you know that word so you can operate in a cohesive environment.

    Sun-Tzu said in Weakness and strength – He who occupies the battlefield awaiting the enemy is at ease; the one who comes later and rushes into battle is fatigued.

    Get ready to fight a war before your in a war

    Sun-Tzu said in Armed Struggle – There is nothing more difficult than armed struggle.

    This points right to a solid chain of command and breakdowns in communication. The real crux is, try to win without Armed Struggle, this is a last resort. Keep the hostle takeovers to a minimum.

    Sun-Tzu said in Nine Changes – Do not depend on the ememy not coming, but depend on our readiness against him.

    He really means, be ready for anything. That’s kind of like Murphy’s law.

    Sun-Tzu said in Army Maneuvers – consolidate your strength, calculate the enemy and get support from your men.

    United we stand, Divided we fall! Doesn’t that say it all?

    Sun-Tzu said in Ground Formation – Know the enemy and yourself, then the victory is not at risk.

    Know your battlefield! Knowledge is power.

    Sun-Tzu said in Nine Grounds – If an enemy presents and opportunity, take advantage of it.

    This goes right back to exploit your opponent’s weakness and keep at it.

    Sun-Tzu said in Fire Attacks -If it is not advantageous, do not move.

    But be led into traps, Be watchful.


    Sun-Tzu said in Using Spies – Enlightend rulers and good generals who are able to obtain intelligent agents as spies are certain for great achievements. This is essential for warfare, and what the army depends on to move.

    The best information is what helps to win the war, and many times without firing a single shot.

    Check out! The Art of War Website for a complete guide. quotes were taken from this website, and I editorialized the meaning. 🙂

  • May the 4th… Be with you.

    May the 4th… Be with you.

    May the 4th Be With You! on Disney Video

    Ok, maybe the “Nerds” have a few days a year that they can take over. Today is certainly one of them. It comes right before Cinco de Mayo. Star Wars and Tacos, that sounds like a good mix to me. So let’s have some fun with the Star Wars Challenge questions.

    Some Star Wars Answers

    1. The original trilogy (Episodes IV – VI)
    2. Rey and Ben
    3. Obi-Wan Kenboi
    4. Princes Amidalah
    5. Luke Skywalker
    6. Luke, Leia and Han
    7. Luke and Han
    8. R2-D2
    9. Obi-Wan Kenboi
    10. Gold then Green
    11. Light
    12. Jar Jar Binks
    13. Boba Fett
    14. Millennium Falcon
    15. Ben Solo
    16. I like them all, hard to really set any against another.
  • Case of the Mondays

    Some people will tell you, Monday sucks. They have a case of the Mondays as it were. I don’t know about that. Yes sometimes you aren’t quite yet ready for the weekend to end. Sometimes, you have actions and plans that only a work week can bring about.

    I just came off of an intense weekend that was focused around a 1/2 marathon. Next weekend I’m going to do the same thing. It’s kind of the way of my world. Running. Of course it isn’t my entire life, but it is something that does help me focus. Like many things, it is as much a force for positive change as much as it is a metaphor for everything else that I aspire to do in my life.

    People make goals. I’m going to run a 5K or a marathon or whatever distance. They reach the goal, and then they stop. But athletes do not stop. They keep at it. They use each event as a measurement of performance, and then they go back to do it again, with the hopes of improvement, and doing better.

    That’s how life should be, it isn’t a goal, it’s a journey, and adventure. We strive continuously to do our best and be a better version of ourselves each and every-time.

    The weekend is over, time to recover. Get your coffee cups at the ready and have a great week.

  • A day in Port Limon, Costa Rica

    Hanging out in Costa Rica.
    It’s a rainy day and I am on a rainforest tour. Not sure that as a Floridian that I’m as impressed as I should be. The walk was easy and the rain was light. I hate to walk in the rain. One pleasant thing was the expectation of insects was high, and yet, I barely saw a single one.
    We went on a boat ride and honestly, having kayaked the Silver River in Ocala, FL showed me more bio diversity that unnoticed here and yet this place is the most bio diverse spot on the planet, as we were told.
    I did see a few birds, some spider and howler monkeys, and a 3 toed sloth.
    The weather really is nice. Even with a little misty rain it is hard to complain about it, when it could be steamy and hot.
    Looking forward to getting some coffee, as it’s a local thing. And next we are off to the banana plantations.
    That was the quickest drive by in history. Oh well. What can one expect… the final destination was a tourist trap… but I waited until I returned to the port area where I got a few souvenirs. I think there is much more to explore, but this port didn’t do much for tourism in Costa Rica.

  • Notes from Cartagena

    As I travel in Cartegna Columbia I’m reminded as we passed by restaurants and shops that the world is a smaller place than we sometimes imagine. I see a shop for Fish N Chips and then one for Tacos. Every corner is a Juan Valdez, purveyors of fine Colombian coffee, like Starbucks in America.

    What makes a city team with life? Do you stop and think about the green space in cities and the things that people demand for their homes?
    Looking at sky rise homes with AC units sitting outside buildings that look fairly new is a surprise.
    Some streets are flooded due the tides from the ocean and the bus moves on around the perimeter of the peninsula.

    It’s another day.

  • Earth Day, Socialism and TGIM

    Well Happy Earth Day. I have written something just about every “Earth Day” up until a few years ago, so I’m bring it back… with a vengeance. I think there was a time when we thought that the right forces would look at science and have rational conversations about saving the planet. It would seem that we no longer are in the mind set that we should try to save the planet, conserve natural resources or that clean water or air even matter.

    Raping Mother Earth for all that she’s worth, after all, we’ll be dead and things won’t matter. This seems to be the mantra that many governments are choosing to follow. I do believe science, and the use of trends to predict the outcomes of things. Computers are getting better at modeling and while it isn’t perfect, the science is sound. We need to try reverse our footprint on the planet, and we can be more and more successful stewards of the planet.

    The population of this planet will continue to grow and out grow our power consumption, and it will be interesting to see where we find the resources to feel 40 Billion people a day, in the not so distant future. We are lucky that technology will help, but it can’t solve all our problems, not if we want to continue to live in harmony on this big blue marble.

    So with that, let me segue into my next topic which is Socialism. I am really tired of hearing people confuse communism and socialism. I’ve seen Meme’s out there that claim if the government controls this or that, then they will control the people. I find that this whole line of thinking is ridiculous. The USA is already filled with lots of socialistic ideology.

    We have lots of government agencies that provide lots of handouts to small segments of the population, like farm subsidies, tax breaks for companies like Amazon (which is basically corporate welfare), and we could go on and on.

    But what do we Americans get to take advantage of from the socialism that our tax dollars provide?

    • Roads, like the Interstate Highway.
    • The Post Office
    • Libraries
    • Schools
    • The military
    • Police
    • Fire
    • Publicly funded hospitals.
    • OSHA (Safety)

    I could go on and on, but you get my point. The foundations of societies are built on sharing resources because not one or even a few can pay for some huge undertakings. Healthcare is an excellent example of something that no person can afford to be without. We already have healthcare for seniors called Medicare. Guess what, we pay for it. It isn’t free, it is paid in advance by the recipients over their lifetime, just like social security. I don’t believe that when you take the deep dive look into these things that people will be asked to pay their fair share of, that it will be deemed a government handout. Socialism isn’t about stealing from the government coffers, it’s about ensuring a minimum standard of services available to a society.

    We don’t have to go far to see plenty of western democracies that have much more radical social programs, England, France, Sweden, the UK and Canada all do a lot for their people. Minimum standards are great, then employers could supplement what the “Medicare for all” doesn’t cover.

    It’s time we recognize the difference between communism and socialism, because our failure to do so will be the economic fall that is looming on the horizon.

    Thank Goodness It’s Monday

    I only know one person that says that. I’m generally dreading going back to work, but this is going to be a fast week. I have so much to do, and no time to get it all done, but in some way I know it will magically come together. I’m good at the crunch time. I can make the magic happen. So TGIM!