Wanderlust is a desire to travel, to understand one’s very existence. More at: Tinyfact’s Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram
Wanderlust is a desire to travel, to understand one’s very existence.
More at: Tinyfact’s Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram
There’s a mental desire to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment. It is called escapism. More at: Tinyfact’s Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram
There’s a mental desire to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment. It is called escapism.
Drapetomania is an overwhelming urge to run away. More at: Tinyfact’s Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram
Drapetomania is an overwhelming urge to run away.
I experience this.