Still better than a hamster up in there.
Category: Uncategorized
The Seven Shittiest Sins
Greed: I want shit
Envy: I want your shit
Wrath: I’m going to wreck your shit
Lust: I’m into some freaky shit
Gluttony: This is some tasty shit
Sloth: I don’t feel like doing shit
Pride: I am the shit -
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Cape Canaveral #lighthouse
I act different around certain people.
It’s not because I’m fake. It’s because I have a different comfort zone around certain people. I’ll act loud, stupid, be mean to you, act crazy, and do the most stupidest things with you because I’m comfortable around you. But, I can be quiet and shy if I don’t know you that well or we aren’t very close. Just because I act different around certain people, doesn’t mean I’m fake. I just have a different comfort zone with certain people.
Cosplay by me