Category: Uncategorized
A summer cartoon by Christopher Weyant. For cartoons from this week’s issue:
imagine having a boyfriend that takes you to concerts
Im the girlfriend that takes you to baseball and hockey games and all the concerts worth seeing. I’ll show all the hidden comic book and record shops. And take you to all the hole in the wall food joints.
Stoya on Ethics, Porn, and Workers’ Rights
I was talking to this reporter recently about pubic hair. My favorite interviews are the ones that feel like a conversation with a stranger at a coffee shop or a friend at a quiet neighborhood bar. Tangents get explored and they frequently veer off into territory that has nothing to do with the article being written. Sometimes those digressions circle back into a great quote about the initial topic that probably wouldn’t have been said if the format was Q&A. One of the tangents I went on during this interview involved exploitation in the porn industry.
My first contract with an adult production studio was skewed heavily in the company’s favor. You could say I got “screwed” on it. I’ve heard plenty of unverified mythology about musical artists and television actors who had terrible initial contracts. I’ve also heard a few stories directly from talent in the mainstream end of the entertainment industry. You might know some of these anecdotes: Prince’s name change to avoid a trademark ownership issue, the reasons behind Johnny Depp’s rumored antics on the 21 Jump Street set, Billy Joel and his 15-year Family Productions contract.