Яed Harley
Ascendant! ~
Cleansing the World for her Comrade Puddin’!!
Just Outƨide Comic-Con: San Diego: The Walkway from the Maяяiott: 2014.
Red-Son-Play Cяeated by Citizen Coƨplay Girl *Abby Normal Cosplay*!!
Category: Uncategorized
I will never apologize for being me, but I will apologize for the times that I am not.
Michael Carini (via words-and-coffee) -
Love is about allowing and encouraging those around you to be their true selves and follow their hearts courageously. Love is about leading by example and light the way.
Liam Tinker (via psych-facts) -
Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.
Things are beautiful if you love them.
Jean Anouilh (via wordsnquotes) -