I love you! ?
Category: Uncategorized
I really love this!!!
The 8×8 project. Beginning of Spring.
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
things tumblr needs to add:
- lockable posts (so you can make a post unrebloggable)
- when deleting a post, it deletes everywhere else.
- proper block button, if twitter can do it, so can you.
- proper reporting guidelines
also searching multiple tags at once would be wonderful
And the ability to track url tags with hyphens yes good
How about a real message system. The one thing they could really steal/borrow from Yahoo.
My little Mermaid…….
If you’re going to oppose lgbt rights, then be honest about what you’re really in favor of – Imgur
“I am not here anymore”
OMG I didn’t know this was really a video!!!