This is the literal only time Sulley has ever been scary to me
This is the only possible way I could find him frightening
Mike’s face says it all.
The way he moves his fingers to add effect
Jazz Clown! ??
This is the literal only time Sulley has ever been scary to me
This is the only possible way I could find him frightening
Mike’s face says it all.
The way he moves his fingers to add effect
Jazz Clown! ??
Still… Can’t… Move! (Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House) Savannah, GA
Waiting to eat in Savannah.
If you are reading this, thank this woman. Her name is Grace Hopper, and she is one of the most under appreciated computer scientists ever. You think Gates and Jobs were cool? THIS WOMEN WORKED ON COMPUTERS WHEN THEY TOOK UP ROOMS. She invented the first compiler, which is a program that translates a computer language like Java or C++ into machine code, called assembly, that can be read by a processor. Every single program you use, every OS and server, was made possible by her first compiler.
Women in computer! Bam!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgTPH5y1-ZI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=375]
Disco Tut!
(Steve Martin – King Tut Live 1979)
King tut Steve Martin