Peter Driben
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Cloth tailor gown skirt and overskirt, Harper’s Bazaar- 1889
Movies and shows make us STRONGER.
Steampunk circus
Beautiful clown makeup
1. to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, as a liquid, a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; immerse; submerge.
2. to bring suddenly or forcibly into some condition, situation, etc.
3. Horticulture: to place (a potted plant) up to its rim in soil or in certain other materials, as sand or moss.
4. Surveying: to transit (the telescope of a transit or theodolite).
5. to cast oneself, or fall as if cast, into water, a hole, etc.
6. to rush or dash with headlong haste.
7. to bet or speculate recklessly.
8. to throw oneself impetuously or abruptly into some condition, situation, matter, etc.
9. to descend abruptly or precipitously, as a cliff, road, etc.
10. act of plunging.
11. a leap or dive, as into water.
12. a headlong or impetuous rush or dash.
13. a sudden, violent pitching movement.
14. a place for plunging or diving, as a swimming pool.
15. take the plunge, to enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course of action, as after hesitation or deliberation.
Etymology: Middle English < Middle French plung(i)er Vulgar Latin *plumbicāre – to heave the lead.