Not normally this blog’s topic, but this needs to be spread like crazy. Internet privacy is a big fucking deal, and 83 notes on this as I reblog this is pathetic.
If you dont reblog this, I will judge you so hard
Not an American, but fuck, this shit has got to stop somewhere, right? (Although everyone who approved of the Patriot Act gave tacit permission, as far as I can tell, to be fucked without lube at any time by the US government. None of this is illegal, because US citizens deliberately traded freedom for “safety", at least IMO.)
Category: Uncategorized
Freakonomics » “Jane Austen, Game Theorist”: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
This is a great podcast… you should be listening! 🙂
Freakonomics » “Jane Austen, Game Theorist”: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
Michael Chwe, Author, Sees Jane Austen as Game Theorist
Jane Austen was a seminal thinker in the as-yet-unnamed science of game theory, the author Michael Chwe maintains in his new book.
A sailor and his pipe, 1940’s.
just scotty doing scotty things.
The beach is good for the soul. Wise words.
The only 4th of July post I need to make.