Pablo Picasso, Two nudes and a cat, 1903
I like that her toes are curling
Category: Uncategorized
Oh my god if you’re going to judge someone’s cosplay you better learn your fucking shit because this is Duela Dent you goddamn assholes.
Perpetually laughing over the fact that “real gamer/comic book nerd” males keep insulting women for cosplaying things they’ve never even heard of
who’s the “fake geek” now, fuckers?
I’m glad that the comments tell the real story here, how awesome is the Cosplay!!! 🙂 Way to go!
It’s a melancholy kinda evening.
DC Bombshells by Art Lucia
For you, sailorj.
Rotterdam Lloyd, Johan von Stein
Lithographed poster, 1931
The Rotterdam Lloyd line maintained a connection between Holland and their Southeast Asian holdings. This helped bring exotic inspirations to Europe’s Art Deco designers.
More progress (courtesy of my sister Hanna/kalebtier) we’re doing it as a collab now haha
THANK YOU I use these all the time when people don’t understand a letter or something, and they look at me like I’m crazy.
when i was in army cadets i memorized this using the poke-rap
Phonetic alphabet.