The feel during
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Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: “The Challenge” (by AudiofAmerica)
Sailor Lady: Nerves kicking in.
I have 4 days until I go up to MEPS. Been studying all week but still nervous that I won’t qualify for the job I want. But I did get my sock bun down without using a sock or sponge ring. I don’t even know if I’ll do sock buns in boot camp…
Why do people think this is like stripes or something. Watch full metal jacket. That was like the hardcore version of my boot camp. Hell private Benjamin was good too. 🙂
Kiki Smith – Lilith, 1994 – Bronze, silicon, and glass.
“In medieval Jewish lore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. When she demanded to be Adam’s equal, she was evicted from the Garden of Eden. Lilith flew away to the demon world, replaced by the more submissive Eve. Smith catches us off guard with Lilith’s pose and placement. Most sculptures receive our gaze passively, but Lilith stares back with piercing brown eyes, ready to pounce.”
hella dope
my mother told me this story over and over when I was little
“Always be Lilith, never Eve”
True Story! (Actually that’s the most accurate Lilith story description i’ve heard).
Photoshop #FTW
I think we guys all have a Jenny out there somewhere.
Oh god, this is gorgeous.
Giveaway! I have an extra Sights & Sounds pack code (one from preordering and one from the Survival Edition purchase). Like/share/follow/whatever (multiple entries woo). I have very few followers, so this should be an easy win. I’ll pick someone on Sunday and send you a note with the code.
I wanna win this!!!
My latest Art Work! The lady in Red