A beautiful full moon. Great photo.
Cape Town at Full Moon South, Africa by Antoinette le Roux
A beautiful full moon. Great photo.
Cape Town at Full Moon South, Africa by Antoinette le Roux
@syahidjonas 🙂 #love #quotes #book
Jeffrey Brown had one of the biggest hits of his career with last year’s Darth Vader and Son, a look at Darth Vader being a dad to a young Luke Skywalker. Now he’s following it up with Vader’s Little Princess, which comes out April 23rd from Chronicle Books, you can preorder on amazon here.
Illustration by Chéri Hérouard for La Vie Parisienne, 1918
Proof that everything is better with mustaches.
(source: http://moe.vg/10LX0Wv)
To our customers –
In the last 24 hours there has been a lot of chatter about Apple banning Saga #12 from our Comics App on the Apple App Store due to depictions of gay sex. This is simply not true, and we’d like to clarify.
As a partner of Apple, we have an obligation to respect its policies for apps and the books offered in apps. Based on our understanding of those policies, we believed that Saga #12 could not be made available in our app, and so we did not release it today.
We did not interpret the content in question as involving any particular sexual orientation, and frankly that would have been a completely irrelevant consideration under any circumstance.
Given this, it should be clear that Apple did not reject Saga #12.
After hearing from Apple this morning, we can say that our interpretation of its policies was mistaken. You’ll be glad to know that Saga #12 will be available on our App Store app soon.
We apologize to Saga creator Brian K. Vaughan and Image Comics for any confusion this may have caused.
All the best,
David Steinberger
CEO and co-founder
comiXologyMore in link.
Update: Apple didn’t ban SAGA #12; comiXology did – BKV’s statement added
If someone ever tells you a certain song is important to them you should turn it up and lay on your bed and close your eyes and really listen to it even if its 10 minutes long because at the end you will know that person much better I think
keep going.