Tag: genewilder

  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory

    So I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory (The Gene Wilder version), for what must be the 100th time.  I picked it up in BluRay for $8 the other day.  I have it on DVD as well, mind you the quality is way better in BluRay, so if you want to see it, do it in HD.  

    But I digress.  It’s easily one of my all time favorite movies, up there with Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz and the Goonies.  And this movie just brings out so many emotions.  I don’t know how it can’t just get to you when Charlie gives back that Everlasting Gobstopper to Mr. Wonka (played by Gene Wilder).  He had just been yelled at for violating the rules. And yet, he proved himself.  And for a kid who had less than nothing to not surrender his values, in the face of everything, just has to get to you.

    So tomorrow Jun 11th is Gene Wilder’s 80th birthday and the only person I know who I would ever call, Mr. Wonka.

    Happy Birthday Mr. Wonka.