Why blogging has become… Well… Lame

I Tweet, I Facebook, and occasionally I blog. But what the heck is Blogging? I read an article posted by someone I follow on Twitter (@purplehayz), and was taken back by the premise of the article. It said that no one has any original stuff and we’re all just a bunch of youtube watching, LOLCATS Surfing, dudes and dudettes. Ok, maybe i’ve gone too far with that, essentially, I don’t think they had it right. People don’t blog much these days because we have become too accustomed to condensing our thoughts into 140 words or less. We have become accustomed to giving people just a few sentences of thought, rather than something to read.

The truth is this expanding Internet, which is quickly filling up with non-tech types just don’t care to read. They have short attentionspan theater running around in their heads, and it’s just as well.

Hollywood used Betty White in a promo for some movie when she mentioned, “I’m on THE Twitter” When you realize that there are millions of people who don’t necessarily “get it”, you can quickly see why people don’t blog much.

Another thing is that it is hard to write for people when you feel like you’re just writing for yourself. We express ourselves and post it online because we hope our messages in bottles will reach that unknown person and have an affect on them that says, “I hear ya!” It would be cool if there was a like button on my blog. You don’t have to comment, but rate my post. Tell me something, positive or negative.

I think with so much going on out there, Microblogging (Twitter and to some extent Facebook), is the distraction. It leads to great conversations and threads, but limits complete thoughts.

There are tools that will fill the gap, and people will use them, but one last thing is contributing to all this, and that’s the size of the platforms used to access the Net.

The iPhone and other smart phones have made these microblogging sites a great success. They owe a lot to them. You can be in the conversation 24/7 and you don’t need a computer. That’s why blogging is getting lame. It’s just too hard to do on these mobile devices with any great clarity. I’m writing this blog posting on an iPad with a REAL bluetooth Keyboard. I wouldn’t attempt it on the screen. But 140 Characters? I’m there. Post a Photo, I’m there. And most of my blogging is probably lame, but I’m there! 😉