Magnetic Ribbons and More AKA The Cool Factor


You know, I’m driving around town lately, and suddenly I find myself behind some SUV that is bigger than anything driving around Iraq, to only see that it is a billboard for every ribbon that there is a cause for. I guess, when you see something like a person who as one of those special blue star flags, or gold star flags, you really know that has special meaning. (A blue star means that a son or daughter is in the war zone, and a Gold one means that they died in war.)

But we are faced with that sort of strange patriotism that is pervasive in this era of American culture. It seems that more and more we are banded together by war and fear rather than love of country and honor. Supposedly recruiting in the Army is down, and the Navy is drawing down its numbers, and they tell us that we need to be ready to fight the terrorists where ever they are hidding.

But getting back to the magnets. I think that there is a point when these things lose there meaning, and become just an eye sore. First it’s yellow ribbons, then it’s US Flag ribbons, then Black POW ribbons, then Pink breast cancer ones. I know what you’re saying, it raises awareness and money. But when they sell them at Wal-Mart or 7-11, I just don’t know if you can directly say that the cash is making to the troops, or their families.

I don’t think that the little bracelet phenom is much different. First Lance Armstrong comes out with his yellow cancer awareness bands, then everyone else seems to jump on the band wagon.

What it seems to me, is that many people are just wanting to be part of the “Cool Factor.” Look at me, i’m wearing a band or I’ve got a sticker on my car. This is supposed to put you on the “in” crowd. I teased some Republican folks because John Kerry was wearing a yellow band during his candidacy, and I told them they were wearing John Kerry 4 President arm bands.

I guess, in the end, I’m for solidarity, and I’m for patriotism, but I believe if you’re doing it for the “Cool Factor” then YOUR WRONG.

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