Wash. State Team’s Private Rocket Explodes (washingtonpost.com)


From the “It is Rocket Science” Department comes these $20,000 guys outta Washington State. I find it amazing that there are so many people trying to get this X Prize. Having done a little work in the fancy missile fixin’ world, I understand the complexities that are involved in launching a spacecraft. While it may seem expensive to spend $100 Million dollars for a launch vehicle program, there is a method to the madness. Honestly, the people who work in the US Space Program, both with NASA and the US Airforce, make the ordinary look extraordinary, everyday. And now you know!

Wash. State Team’s Private Rocket Explodes (washingtonpost.com): “QUEETS, Wash. – A team taking a low-budget stab at the $10 million Ansari X Prize for private manned spaceflight suffered a setback Sunday, when their rocket malfunctioned and exploded after shooting less than 1,000 feet in the air.”

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